Chili, NY Chapter of The Legion Riders
You can join the Chili,NY American Legion Riders
if you are a current member of the American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion. You must own a motorcycle
of 500cc or better or be the wife of the owner. You can also be a "Support Member". The dues of Chili,NY Chapter of
the American Legion Riders are $35.00 for the first year, $15.00 a year after that and you will have to by your own patches
for your vest or jacket.
Chili Post Home address is:
Chili American Legion Post 1830
450 Chili-Scottsville Rd.
Scottsville, NY 14546
You can call the Post for more information at 889-1830, or Finn Donaldson 585-247-1467(H) 585-424-0063(C), or Dean Locke 585-738-1245.
Director: Finn Donaldson, 585-247-1467(H) 585-424-0063(c)"
Vice Director: Dean Lock, 585-738-1245,
Secretary: Jim Costello 585-721-7296
Treasurer: Marie Locke, 585-334-9081
Chaplin: Tim Tysall, 585-489-3547
Sergeant at Arms: Tom Secsock, 585-953-2111"
Road Captains:
Dean Lock, 585-738-1245
John Onderdonk, 585-857-8144"
Jim Briggs 585-7666-2998
***Face Book Page: AmericanLegionRidersChiliNYPost1830, check it out.***
Meetings in 2021:
March 18, Exec. Meeting Chili Legion 7:pm
March 24th, Reg. Monthly Meeting 6:pm, Chili Post
April 22nd, Exec. meeting 7:pm, Chili Post
April 28th, Reg. monthly meeting 6:pm, Chili Post
May 20, Exec. Meeting Chili Legion 7:pm
May 26, Reg. Meeting Chili Legion 6:pm
June 17, Exec. Meeting Chili Legion 7:pm
June 23, Reg. Meeting Chili Legion 6:pm